How To Create a Gallery Wall with Wall Art

A gallery wall can transform a plain space into an expressive canvas that portrays your personality, interests, and memories. It's a dynamic way to display a collection of artwork, photos, and mementos. This guide walks you through the steps to design a gallery wall that is both cohesive and visually stimulating.

Planning Your Gallery Wall

Before diving into the creation of your gallery wall, a bit of planning ensures that the end result is harmonious and fits your space perfectly.

  1. Choose a Theme: Whether it’s a color scheme, subject matter, or a mix of personal photos with art, deciding on a theme brings cohesion to your gallery wall.
  2. Select Your Space: Common choices include living rooms, hallways, and bedrooms. The available wall space will dictate the scale of your gallery.

Collecting Artwork and Frames

The beauty of a gallery wall lies in its diversity and personal significance of the pieces it comprises.

  • Mix and Match: Combine various sizes, textures, and types of art. Incorporating different frame styles and colors adds depth.
  • Personal Touch: Include items that hold personal value, such as letters, souvenirs, or handcrafted items, to make your gallery wall uniquely yours.

Layout Design

Creating a balanced layout is crucial for a gallery wall that draws the eye without overwhelming it.

  • Create a Template: Use paper cutouts in the sizes of your frames and arrange them on the floor to experiment with layouts. Aim for a mix of horizontal and vertical lines.
  • Spacing: Consistency is key. A general rule is to keep a 2-3 inch gap between frames to ensure the display feels connected but not cluttered.


With your layout planned and your pieces ready, it's time to bring your gallery wall to life.

  1. Start with the Largest Piece: Place it slightly off-center to anchor your layout. Build out from this piece, keeping balance in mind.
  2. Use the Right Tools: Ensure frames are securely hung by choosing suitable anchors for your wall type. A level and measuring tape are indispensable for precise placement.

Adding Layers and Texture

A gallery wall should evolve with you, allowing for additions and adjustments over time.

  • Incorporate Shelves: A floating shelf within your gallery wall adds dimension and offers a place to include three-dimensional objects.
  • Textural Contrast: Mix materials such as wood, metal, and fabric to introduce variety and tactile interest.

James Locke - Author

James Locke is a passionate artist specializing in creating stunning animal wall art. His captivating pieces bring the beauty of the natural world to life, adding a touch of wildlife wonder to any space. Explore more of James' work on his Instagram: @james.locke97